An ACTIVE Summer
During the school year, kids spend most of
their days sitting behind a desk, so it is essential that summer is a time of
action! Camp games and activities will get your child moving in an enjoyable
and safe environment. The excitement and spirit of camp will also teach your
child that an active lifestyle is tons of fun.
An OUTDOOR Adventure
Most of camp life takes place outside.
Whether it is nature based activities, like hiking and campfires, or sports,
like swimming and capture the flag, your child will be immersed in what the
great outdoors has to offer. They will benefit from the fresh air and sunshine,
while also gaining an appreciation for nature.
3. A
LEARNING Opportunity
There are so many opportunities to try new
things at camp. One day it may be archery, the next pottery, and the next
boondoggle bracelet making! Your child will have a blast learning new skills
and trying things they have never done before. Camp also provides the chance
for your child to improve at their favourite sports and activities, like dance
or basketball.
4. A
Part of learning new things is having new
successes. As your child racks up achievements throughout the summer, they will
increase their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment. In addition, the
independence that camp offers will further develop their confidence and
self-sufficiency. They will go back to school in September knowing they can
learn new skills, improve through practice, and rely on themselves – a
teacher’s dream!
5. A
SOCIAL Environment
Camp is a great place for kids to meet new
people and form friendships. By placing them outside their familiar
environment, camp enables kids to develop their social skills among all
different types of people. They will also get the chance to look up to their
counselors, enthusiastic young adults who can relate to them and be positive
role models.
Written by: Shira Lurie, Dynamix Toronto lead facilitator
Dynamix: Team-building for Kids and Teens, since 2002.
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