Dynamix is now listed on the Registry of Resources for Safe and Inclusive Schools

Our proactive strategy is to prevent bullying by creating positive relationships. Through experiential activities, students learn to make good choices and to respect and care about each other so they do not bully and shut bullying down when they witness it. Studies show that when bystanders care about the victim, they can stop bullying within 10 seconds. Our Bullying Prevention Plan has programs that:
- Build a team of recess leaders for an active, inclusive school yard.
- Train students to recognize/exercise great character.
- Develop student leadership skills to energize a school.
- Create engaged teams in classes, faculty and school communities.
- Audience recommended by the provider: K-12, Teacher/Parent Tool
- Costing Information: Please contact.
Dynamix, 1703 Victoria Park Avenue, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M1R 1R9
Jo-Ann DaPonte
Website: www.getdynamix.com
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