Over the years we've been fortunate to witness inspiring young people take on unimaginable challenges that leave us teary eyed and wondering what we can do to make a difference. Remember 'Pay it forward' with Haley Joel Osment? How about 'Paperclips'? 'Freedom Writes'? Even 'Rudy'...All these movies portrayed young people inspiring the world. Well, the youngens have struck once again! The article (seen below) tells the tale of an incredible young girl named Katie who, from a simple school project, created a food growing operation that has been feeding hundreds (if not more) of people less fortunate. With all the bad we have to endure watching the 6 o'clock news, it's stories such as this that reminds us of all the good our world has to offer.
The young of the world will not disappoint us!! Katie is a wonderful example of this. She has provided over 4000 lbs. of food to those in need of a great meal with fresh vegetables. She deserves all our support and perhaps a few gardens in our backyards or just garden containers to provide for our families and families that have fallen however are not down. A helping hand from an 11 year old girl should be our example!