Written by Adam Kertesz
I'm back. It has been a long time since I've written on the blog and I apologize to all my fans (once again, hi mom!). I vow to contribute to this awesome blog on a much more regular basis. And one way I plan to do that is to start a new little feature here, called Fun Fridays.
This blog is meant to teach, inform, discuss, promote, provoke, initiate, entertain, and bring our community together as we share a similar passion for the future of our world. As you'll notice from the wide variety of topics so far, we try and cover pretty much anything and everything that has to do with kids. As you might have guessed from the title of the post, this weekly post, will be purely fun. Fun facts. A fun story. A fun idea for the weekend. A fun picture. Maybe even a fun game. Each week will be something different.
If you have something fun that you want to share with our community, send it over and it could be a future Fun Fridays post! It could be anything. As long as you don't walk away (or click away) saying 'Aww that's sad'. I'm going more for 'Cute story' or 'Sounds fun!', or 'Heh, never knew that before'. Things like that. Make sense? Ok let's get started...
For Episode 1, I just want to share a fun, light story with everyone. What I like about it is that it involves one of my childhood heroes, Shaquille O'neal. If Shaq is part of the story, you know it's a fun one.
Here's the link: At Scrabble Championship, It's All About The Q
In short? This weekend in Providence, Rhode Island there is a 2 on 2 Scrabble Tournmanet for kids in Grades 5-8. First prize is $10,000 and the team that comes up with the best word that has the letter 'Q' gets a Shaq jersey!
First of all, 2 on 2 Scrabble..awesome. As a teambuilder, I love the fact they've found a way to turn a game like Scrabble into a team game because as the article mentions, it "also encourages cooperation and reduces pressure on individual players."
Second, Shaq actually wrote a great letter to this weekend's players:
"The competitors, he says, are "showing kids everywhere that it's cool to be smart and use your brain. That it's possible to win money, appear on television and have fun in all kinds of ways."
(President Obama also wrote a letter, but come on.. its Shaq!)
Why Shaq's interest in a Scrabble tournament? Who knows, but maybe because of this funny ESPN commercial.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Great entry Adam, love the commercial.
ReplyDeleteI have a few great stories that would be perfect for "Fun Friday", but maybe I guess I'll just save them for my "Wacky Wednesday" feature ;)